God's Glory in the Midst of Trials

Beloved, I so appreciate what the late Charles Spurgeon says below because it humbly reminds me that God's glory in Christ is the solution and the only true cure for all of our problems! I have often worried that the folks who receive our publications might not see & enjoy fully the glories of Christ revealed in all that He has made as Creator; our natural pride is such a thick, dark cloud dimming our sight of Christ's majesty (thus the Apostle's command & plea for us to fix our eyes on Jesus—Hebrews 12:2).

Pluto Revealed!

After nine and a half years—and 3 billion miles—the New Horizons spacecraft safely traversed the Pluto system earlier today. And just minutes ago (after many hours of scheduled blackout), NASA received a signal from New Horizons that everything on the spacecraft was functioning normally. This means that the spacecraft can start sending back pictures of its close encounter tomorrow morning.

Christ to Reveal His Glory at Pluto

In a little over a week, our Lord Jesus will reveal His glory in a special way as the New Horizons spacecraft flies by Pluto: "Eyes on Pluto" https://hiscreation.com/sites/default/files/publication_files/CREATOR%20VOL%2020%20NUM%202.pdf

Let Us Exalt His Name Togther!

I will bless the Lord at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul will make its boast in the Lord;
The humble will hear it and rejoice.


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