Knowing God – Better!

Precious Friends,
If you, like I, dearly desire to know God better, then please listen to this sermon by Rev. Colin Mercer. If you have little or no desire to get to know Christ better, then I beg you to listen to this sermon: In Christ's humble love, Rick

New Issue of CREATOR — on fearing God, part two

We are so thankful to our Lord Jesus for providing us the opportunity to present to you this newest issue of CREATOR. Here is Part Two of our two-part exploration into swamp ecology and what it means to fear God: "Reflections in a Swamp Too"


The Power of the Almighty

This video is truly beautiful and frightening at the same time (there is one expletive at 0:40-0:41; it is overwise clean): It's scary for different reasons than those that the environmentalists hold to (not to be too harsh). We get a glimpse of the Almighty's power in this event, but this is such a tiny, tiny reflection of His might.

New Issue of CREATOR: Reflections in a Swamp

Precious Saints,
    We are thrilled to be able to share with you this newest issue of CREATOR, "Reflections in a Swamp" This is Part One of a two-part exploration of swamps and what it means to fear God. We hope you are both encouraged and challenged by it. For many years, I have been studying the true Christian’s attitude toward fearing God. . . .

Sun of Righteousness

If you look carefully at this recent Cassini photo of Saturn's moon Titan, you can actually see the Sun's image shining off the surface of one of the many hydrocarbon seas on the surface of Titan (look at the bright spot in the 11 o'clock position in the photo).


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