Surrendering to Christ

Maybe you're already at the place of total surrender of your life to Christ, but if not, please prayerfully—on your knees and with a humble heart—listen to this brief message.

Winter Longing

Winter is necessary because it helps to create a longing for Christ—the One who is Life.

Photo by Radosław Drożdżewski

Know Your God!

“It is the first and greatest work of ministers of Christ to acquaint men with that God [who] made them, and is their Happiness: to open to them the treasures of His goodness, and to tell them of the glory that is in His presence, which all His chosen people shall enjoy…. Having shewed them the right end, our next work is to acquaint them with the right means of attaining it.” Puritan Richard Baxter

Landfill Harmonic Orchestra

The ability to make song is a special gift from our Heavenly Father (James 1:17). But in my wildest dreams I would have never imagined that He could bring such a depth of beautiful music out of such a desperate situation:

The Goal of a Child's Education—Part 1

"When man was made perfect, and placed in a perfect world, where all things were in perfect order, the whole creation was then man's book, in which he was to read the nature and will of his great Creator. Every creature had the name of God so legibly engraven on it, that man might run and read it. He could not open his eyes, but he might see some image of God; but no where so fully and lively as in himself. It was, therefore, his work to study the whole volume of nature, but first and most to study himself.


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